Our Work

As a full-service event and video production agency, we strive to help our clients grow their brands and optimize their content. We have worked with great companies, and have done great work that our clients were thrilled with. Check out some of our recent projects in the portfolio below. 

Brand Video text, photo of Harlan Crow wearing a suit in his office at Crow Holdings

Brand Video

Crow Holdings Capital, 20th Anniversary

Crow’s 20th anniversary was fast approaching so they reached out to Pixl for a retrospective video to showcase at their anniversary gala. We decided to approach this as a mini-documentary and interview the people who knew the history of Crow intimately. We knew that building the narrative using interview soundbites combined with footage of their beautiful campus would be visually striking, informative, and authentic. The final video deliverable provides a touching time capsule of Crow Holdings for posterity.

Brand Video

Cristo Rey College Prep

At the height of COVID lockdowns, our client Cristo Rey College Prep Dallas needed a virtual solution for sharing their top graduates’ accomplishments with the world. Since shooting on-location wasn’t an option, we recorded students and administrators via Zoom and edited them together in a dynamic way, intermingled with photos and b-roll that they provided. While COVID restrictions are over, this type of remote video production still has its benefits, such as the ability to include multiple people in far-flung locations on camera when time and budget constraints mean travel isn’t an option.

Brand Video

American College of Emergency Physicians, Fellows

The American College of Emergency Physicians tasked us with creating a video that would educate and inform physicians who have been awarded the revered FACEP status. The client responded favorably to the suggestion that we utilize previous FACEP recipients to deliver the information through direct communication with the audience, and edit in such a way that it would feel unified, having the subjects complete each others’ sentences from one continuous script. We utilized a teleprompter and directed the subjects to be engaging and dynamic.

Brand Video

Salon Rev

When Stephani at Salon Rev needed help recruiting new stylists, we proposed an elegant 1-minute video that would showcase what a cool place Salon Rev is to work. After scheduling a half-day of filming, we made sure she booked her top stylists and invited her best customers. In pre-production, we had prepared a detailed shot list and schedule for maximum efficiency during the shoot. The final video included speed-ramped footage, typography, creative transitions, and custom logo animation. Stephani and her team were thrilled with the final video and utilized it across her social media accounts.

Brand Video

Texas Counter Fitters

Texas Counter Fitters was in need of social media content for Facebook and Instagram. They already had a library of footage to pull from, so they approached us to utilize what they had, but create something fresh with a call to action. We created a series of short loopable videos with a mix of pre-existing footage, animated typography with transitions, and catchy music that worked well on their chosen platforms.

Brand Video

ACEP | Perspectives

The American College of Emergency Physicians approached Pixl with the idea of doing a video celebrating emergency physicians. We pitched the story of a mom and daughter whose lives had been directly impacted by an emergency physician. Once the client approved the idea, we fleshed it out into a script by writing dialogue and scenes that soon became a storyboard and shot list. With the cooperation of a local clinic and the involvement of a real physician, we filmed the scenes with two wonderful actors that did a phenomenal job. Pixl won a Telly for this video.

Jim McIngvale, Mattress Mack, distinguished alum of University of North Texas in a furniture store

Brand Video

University of North Texas, Jim McIngvale

We have produced a series of videos showcasing distinguished alumni at the University of North Texas’ annual Alumni Awards event. This video features Jim “Mattress Mack” McIngvale. We spent about an hour with Jim at his store in Houston recording his interview and capturing b-roll at 60 fps for smooth and cinematic slow-motion footage. The video deliverable premiered at the Alumni Awards gala prior to Mr. McIngvale being presenting with one of UNT’s most prestigious awards, and was also pushed out on their website and video platforms.

Brand Video

Vizient & Community Partners of Dallas

Our client Vizient wanted to feature Community Partners of Dallas during their Community Day event. We knew that hearing from the people that run this amazing organization was critical, so we proposed a half day shoot to gather interviews and b-roll footage on-site. To prepare for the interviews, we crafted a series of questions designed to foster heartfelt responses that articulate the story Vizient’s partnership with the non-profit. The emotional final video was presented on huge screens at Vizient’s annual Community Day event, and resulted in a moving tribute to a beloved organization.

Brand Video

Trinity Union

Tonti Properties needed a new video to showcase their property at Trinity Union in Euless, Texas. During the pre-production process, we worked with the client to determine the look and feel of the video. This was going to live on their website and they wanted a video that could be understood with the audio on or off. With a combination of on-site videography including smooth gimbal and drone footage, typography, and stock video, we were able to exceed the client’s expectations. The video has been on the front page of their website since 2018.

Brand Video

Vizient Savings Actualyzer Executives

Vizient needed a dynamic way to share some good news that would help streamline their internal processes. It became clear the message was best delivered by the development team that designed the new processes, so we quickly landed on the idea of capturing eye-contact interviews utilizing an EyeDirect, a device we can attach in front of the camera that makes it easier for our subjects to look directly into the lens, i.e. making eye contact with their audience. After developing an animated opening and end logo and adding a splash of their brand orange to the background, we found a visually interesting way to deliver the message to the team.

Brand Video text, woman holding a sign that says Inspiration, Vizient employee

Brand Video

What’s Your Why

One of our favorite projects, Vizient’s “What’s Your Why” video was produced to feature at the company’s Community Day event. During a full day of filming, we were able to capture employees from all walks of life sharing their Why, which is simply what motivates them. Set against a white background, we worked with each employee to capture the best soundbites for the project. Once edited down and pared with fun music and animated typography, the video went on to be a company favorite.

Brand Video


Westwood Middle School approached us for a video to showcase their academic programs for fundraising purposes. We knew right away that featuring the students in their school environment would be the most effective visual. After working with the students and teachers to secure parental consent, we combined new b-roll we captured of the students with interviews of them reading the script as with one voice. The result was a polished and informative video that was successfully utilized to fundraise.

Drone shot of a Vonlane motor coach bus driving, Brand Video

Brand Video


Vonlane approached us with pre-existing footage they wanted to utilize in a new ad campaign. After sitting with the client in a discovery session, it became clear we would need animated typography, drone footage, and a sleek new logo animation in combination with their pre-existing footage to really take this ad campaign to the next level. The ads saw airtime on cable and Hulu in multiple markets, and have given Vonlane a good return on their investment.

Bedford Wynne of Wynne transportation looking directly into the camera in front of a bus motorcoach

Brand Video

Wynne Transportation

Wynne approached Pixl to produce a brand video for their website that captures the essence of who they are. After connecting with the Wynne team in a discovery session we were able to drill down into what were some of the key points that defined their company. From there we created an outline and interview script we used to guide the interview questions. With only two shooting days, we filmed interviews at our studio with an EyeDirect for eye contact, shot b-roll on their lot, then organized and filmed drone footage of their buses in action. Further refining the story in the edit, the result was a video that accomplished the original goal and provided a valuable asset for years to come.

young lady with down's syndrome looking directly into the camera for an interview, wearing t-shirt reading "to be like me"

Brand Video

To Be Like Me

The “To Be Like Me” organization approached us to create content for a new online educational platform they were building. They wanted to bookend some of their courses with videos featuring some of their ambassadors. We knew we were doing something special and wanted to bring something unique to the videos. That’s when we decided the EyeDirect would be the perfect tool. With the EyeDirect, it becomes easy and natural for the talent with Down’s Syndrome (or anyone else) to look directly into the lens during their interviews. In this example, the eye contact allows the viewer to get to know Ann Marie and Ben in a more personal way, bringing additional value that wouldn’t be possible without our EyeDirect.

Motion Graphics

ampiO Solutions

ampio needed a ground-up redesign of their website and a video to summarize their services. After a discovery session with the client, we created a script that captured the essence of their business. From there our graphic designer created a new logo, color scheme, and icon library which we fleshed out in both the video and new website that has continued to hold value for over 5 years now.

Motion Graphics


Eduphoric was in need of a video to help summarize and explain their service and process to the viewer. During preproduction we summarized a list of important bullet points of the process that we then fleshed out into a script. From there we provided the client with an illustrated script board that paired imagery with script. Once the script board was approved by the client, we proceeded to animating those illustrations. After two rounds of revisions and client approval, the resulting video went on to be a useful tool for the client for years.

Motion Graphics


EarlySense approached Pixl to produce content for a new product launch. In addition to a podcast, we produced this explainer-style video that would be released on the day of the product launch. After working with the client during discovery sessions, we created a script and storyboard that gave the client a good understanding of what the video would look and sound like. Once approved we moved ahead on producing the final video which was used successfully in the global product rollout.

Motion Graphics


Tamarin approached us with a need for social media content during the height of the pandemic. As a company in the healthcare industry, they had a specific health message they wanted to convey. Since the video would ultimately end up on social media, the decision was made to feature typography with dynamic animation and stock imagery. With an animated graphics package that fit within their brand guidelines, we delivered a video that was able to be utilized across Tamarin’s social media platforms.

Motion Graphics

To Be Like Me

Explainer videos are a great way to communicate a complicated process in a short amount of time. The To Be Like Me organization was looking for an explainer-style video to promote their virtual platform. We worked with them to develop a visual language and script to convey their virtual message within the look and feel of their preexisting branding.

Motion Graphics

PDI Users Conference


Motion Graphics

Vizient Savings Actualyzer

The Vizient team were excited to roll out a new platform that would boost efficiency and the morale of their team. To capture that excitement, they approached Pixl to make a teaser/explainer video to lay out all the upcoming features. Even though the platform wasn’t built yet, we were able to seamlessly utilize pre-existing mock-ups of the platform in our animation. Isolating and animating individual elements within their mock-ups allowed us to bring flat static illustrations to life.

Motion Graphics

Vizient – Rise Up

For their annual kick-off, Vizient wanted an intro video that would capture the moment and set the stage for the entire event. After we developed the main event graphic, we extrapolated the same look and feel in this intro video. In addition, the client wanted to bring an authenticity to it and recommended a Vizient employee read the voice-over. We agreed that was a great idea so we set up a recording booth and directed his voice-over. With our team developing the script and animation, in combination with the music and VO, we were able to exceed the expectations of our client and add value to our client’s event.

Motion Graphics


TriumphPay was looking to create a video that could be used in presentations and pitches to introduce a new payment portal. We used screenshots, screen recordings, and mockups in combination with computer and phone illustrations to create the animated scenes. Since we know web-based platforms are continuously being updated, we built this project so it could be quickly and easily updated when the inevitable changes to the platform happened.

Presentation Video

Christian Moreno

Christian approached Pixl to do a virtual presentation he could roll out online. During our discovery session, we were able to drill down to what he wanted to accomplish, and from there were able to crystallize his vision. We animated his logo, created clean minimalist graphics, set him against a white background and let him speak to the audience. In the edit, we made sure to find the right balance between Christian’s camera footage and slides, decided when to go full screen on a slide and when not to, and utilized the best camera takes to promote Christian’s brand.

Presentation Video

Virtual Lecture/Recital

When her in-person recital was cancelled, Fabiana reached out to Pixl for a solution. We proposed a fully virtual event that would be pre-recorded and edited, then rolled out through our online virtual platform, Hopin. Hopin is designed to be just like an in-person event with stages, breakout rooms, expos and networking opportunities. On event day, we were able to live stream this full pre-recorded lecture/recital and at its conclusion conduct a live on-screen Q&A with audience participation.

Presentation Video


Etumos partnered with Pixl to produce their annual two-day event called MOPsCON. For this virtual trade show, they wanted to gather some of the top minds in marketing to give presentations on various marketing topics. Once a segment was confirmed, we would schedule a virtual connection with them, typically through Zoom, then record that presentation virtually. In the edit we would then integrate custom-branded event graphics we designed with the recording. On event day we seamlessly combined all those pre-recorded segments with live speakers using the Hopin platform to take advantage of stages, breakouts, expos and networking opportunities.

Presentation Video

Value Summit

The Kinetix Group approached Pixl to produce their annual event called Value Summit. Normally this was in-person, but due to restrictions of the pandemic, they were forced to go virtual. Our team helped in developing the look and feel of the logo animation and event graphics package. We also helped schedule, capture, edit, and deploy Value Summit.

Presentation Video


After the annual in-person RYLead camp was forced to cancel, this client needed a solution fast. The decision to partner with Pixl was made in order to produce a virtual program that could take the place of camp. This introduction video was produced to kickoff this virtual event. We brought our talent in studio and filmed them against a white background. We also incorporated some virtual recorded footage that we captured in our virtual studio. Editing this together with a graphics package we developed specifically for this event, we were able to deploy this and other pre-produced content on Hopin, our virtual event platform.

Presentation Video

Federal Student Aid

We partnered with Federal Student Aid to help capture and deploy their annual Federal Student Aid Training Conference. Working with them through discovery meetings, we created a graphics package that reflected the look and feel of their event. We applied these graphics across the various segments and general sessions we captured for this three day event. Many sessions happened concurrently so we employed several different deployment stations to ensure that all segments deployed at the right times.

sketch of doctor in personal protective equipment (PPE) with ACEP logo drawn beside the doctor, Sketch video text

Sketch Video


Pixl produced this video for an installation at the American College of Emergency Physicians conference. During our discovery process, the client gravitated toward the theme of reflection. We came up with the idea of four white walls displaying framed images collected from ER doctors and nurses. In the center of one wall was a monitor that looped this video. In the center of the room was a transparent dropbox where attendees could write notes of their experiences with COVID. The goal of the installation was to provide a place to reflect and renew. See images of our drawings and the actual installation here under “Attendee Engagement.”

Christian Moreno standing over a white background with sketches next to him

Sketch Video

Healthcare Speak

High-powered healthcare industry leader Christian Moreno approached Pixl for a website redesign. For his home page video he wanted something eye-catching that told his story. With a clean minimalist redesign, we landed on a digital sketch idea that would illustrate on as Christian delivered his story to the camera. Recording him in front of a green screen, we were able to integrate the custom, hand-drawn sketch animation into the scene and create dynamic motion that generated additional visual interest.

sketch of a woman on a boat in a storm, wondering what she should do, Legacy Adoption Services can help

Sketch Video

I’m Pregnant, Now What?

Legacy Adoption Services needed to get their messaging out to various offices and clinics across Texas.  Their idea was to send out video brochures to these offices for expectant mothers who were considering their options. Legacy just needed the video content and overall design of their brochures. Pixl partnered with Legacy to design the brochures and produce a series of sketch videos that would tackle the sensitive issue of adoption. After a discovery session with Legacy we were able to familiarize ourselves with their process and values. From there we created a voiceover script. Once approved, our talented illustrator Andrew proceeded to illustrate the script in a storyboard. After accepted by Legacy, we digitally animated Andrew’s illustrations in After Effects, combined that with voiceover and music, and presented this touching and life-changing video to the world! Pixl won a Telly for this project.

Sketch Video

ROU Locating

In this first of a three-part sketch video series, Pixl set out to simplify Megatel’s unique message about apartment locating. After spending some time with the client in a discovery session, we were able to home in on the most important points to include in a script. After refining the locating script, our in-house illustrator sketched out a storyboard. Once finalized, we proceeded to production, which involved meticulous frame by frame snapshots and hand-drawn animation.

Sketch Video

ROU Realty

This is the second part of a three-part sketch series in which Pixl partnered with Megatel to communicate their marketing message about their realty business directly to the consumer. Following the discovery session with Megatel, we scripted, illustrated, then edited this video through frame by frame photography. This video series allowed the client to pitch a complicated message by simply pushing play on a video.


Sketch Video

ROU Rent Back

One of the benefits of a sketch video is how it simplifies a complicated message. In the final video of the three-part sketch series, Pixl helped Megatel communicate to potential tenants about a rent back program, essentially paying towards a potential mortgage for first-time homebuyers. After we fleshed out the script, we were able to get creative and illustrate the concepts in a storyboard. A storyboard is a critical component of the production process as it enables the client to get a visual feel for the final product. Once the storyboard is done and approved, production is the final step. This sketch series went on to creatively inform its audience and retain value to the client for years.

Sketch Video

Megatel Realty

Having produced 3 full two-and-a-half-minute sketch videos to live on Megatel’s website, our team suggested repurposing them for social media. Our team proceeded to condense and reduce of the original videos down to 30 seconds and re-edit it to better fit social media’s best practices. This allowed Megatel to push new and excited content to their core audience across their social media platforms and simultaneously build their content library for long term use.

Video Display

Cinemagraph Texas Star

TBK Bank approached Pixl to produce content to feature on screens in their lobby. We suggested a cinemagraph, a hybrid between a photograph and video which typically features a still image with a moving component. For this cinemagraph, we photographed the Texas Star and replaced the background with moving clouds.

Video Display

Cinemagraph Arboretum

Pixl produced this cinemagraph for TBK Bank, to feature in their bank lobby. This cinemagraph is a hybrid of a still photograph and video taken of Crape Myrtle Alley at the Dallas Arboretum. The fountain is a masked loop of video layered with a still image.

Video Display

Cinemagraph GoarPark

This cinemagraph was produced as a part of a series of Dallas landmarks. This particular location was chosen because of its proximity to the client’s location. As a cinemagraph, the goal was to feature a largely still image with a simple moving element. In this case everything but the water is still. This cinemagraph is featured in our client’s lobby, formatted for 3 different screens.

Video Display

Vizient Awards

Video Display

Cinemagraph MHH Bridge

A part of the TBK Bank cinemagraph series, this cinemagraph features Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge. One of the challenges we ran into here is that the water just didn’t look good. We were able to replace the water with a 10-second loop of computer-generated water ripples. We also added CG flags, as they weren’t flying at the time of our shoot. This video plays on screens in the lobby of TBK Bank in Dallas.

Video Display

MSCI Montage

At in-person events, screens need content. MSCI needed dynamic video to feature on their ultra-wide screens prior to the event’s start. Since MSCI is a metals institute, we settled on a collection of images highlighting the industry with some additional animation to separate elements of the images to create depth. The content played in a dimly lit ballroom combined with a music playlist, preparing guests for the day’s events as they took their seats.

Video Display

Cinemagraph Reunion

A part of the TBK Bank series, this cinemagraph features the iconic Reunion Tower in downtown Dallas, Texas. The cinemagraph video is a fusion of a still image of the tower combined with video taken elsewhere of clouds in the sky. To add subtly add realism, we composited the same cloud footage against the skyscraper as a reflection. This video plays in the lobby of TBK Bank in Dallas.

Video Display

Cinemagraph SMU Fountain

A part of the TBK Bank series, this cinemagraph features the fountain at Southern Methodist University. This location was chosen because of its iconic status among residents of the area surrounding the bank. We took a high-resolution photograph of the fountain and combined it with video camera footage of the moving water. This video plays in the lobby of TBK Bank in Dallas.

Video Display

PDI Sponsor Loop

An example of what Pixl can do with an ultra-wide screen, this video includes logo animation and a sponsor loop. Taking elements from the event graphic look, we animated the different graphic elements to utilize the full real estate of the 100-foot-wide screen. We also incorporated 3D animation of text in order to add more gravitas to the sponsor categories.

In Good Company

TriumphPay logo

Let’s do something amazing together blue square dot

We can't wait to provide live and/or virtual event and video production services for you. Tell us about your video, event or virtual production needs and we'll get back to you right away!

At Our Core


Video Production

Brand Films
Motion Graphics
Event Content
Sketch Videos
Display Content

Live Events

Event Graphic Design
Event Components
Video Production
Event Staffing
Site & Venue Selection
Vendor Management
Expo Booth Design & Development
Event Collateral
Digital Graphics

Virtual Events

Content Development
Video Production
Platform Curation
Speaker Training & Support
Virtual Broadcast Studio Deployment

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