David was very thorough and detailed. Always coming to us with new ideas on how to make our presentations better and more high level. Appreciate that he cares about the final product being a success! He was able to work directly with the in-house AV team and keep them...
Virtual events have become a crucial part of every business professional’s marketing and communications toolkit. Whether you’re planning a webinar, virtual conference, or a team meeting, you have options for how you’ll host them online. One question that...
In video interviews as in real life, eye contact is essential for fostering a sense of connection and trust. While person-to-person eye contact is fairly easy for most people, maintaining eye contact with the audience in video interviews can be challenging. Enter the...
From sweeping aerial shots of bustling cityscapes to unique perspectives that showcase your company’s brand identity, drone footage has become an indispensable tool for capturing attention in corporate videos. Capturing those beautiful bird’s-eye views involves...
One of the biggest components of highly engaging videos is plenty of smooth and steady camera movement. Take a look at any well-produced video today. You’ll see the camera is moving in nearly every shot–and we’re not talking about simple panning and...